About the Website

This website is comprised of two major components.  The first is the Content Management System (CMS) which is WordPress.  Originally, I utilized Rapid Weaver for the web development, but in October 2013 I changed it over to WordPress.  I have utilized various WordPress themes, but I am currently utilizing a theme called “Caroline”. I host the site on GoDaddy on a Linux server. The second major component of the web site is the Genealogy section. The genealogy section is powered by Darin Lythogoe’s TNG Software [HERE] which is comprised of a backend database  (MySQL database hosted on GoDaddy) and server side scripting (PHP) which dynamically generates the genealogy content by pulling the data from the database and dynamically generating the HTML (display) pages.

I have alternately integrated the TNG software utilizing the TNG Integration Widget and by using the Cees Kloosterman method [HERE]. Cees method involves installing WordPress in the server root, TNG in a sub directory of the root and then the modification of three of the PHP Files (topmenu.php, footer.php and meta.php). You can see Cees website [HERE]. Both integration methods present their own challenges, but I feel Cees method is more stable.  A drawback (for both methods) is that the TNG security features do not work. As I am the only person maintaining the data at this time, this is not a show stopper for me, but for those that have a site where multiple folks will need update capability, this would be an issue.

A couple of notes on Media naming conventions.  Early on I researched various methods that others employed to keep their media in order.  I took the best of the various solutions and devised the following taxonomy which is well suited for my needs:

The names are all 18 characters in the followign format: LLLFCCYY_CCYYMMDD_TTT_SSS_## where

1. LLL are the first three character of the surname

2. F is the first character of the first name

3. CCYY are the century and year of the person birth date

4. CCYYMMDD is the Century, Year, numeric Month and date of the event

5. TTT is the media type (PHT = Photo, DOC = Docuement etc.)

6. SSS is the subject (BRT = Birth, WED = Wedding etc.)

If anyone is interested in more specific information regarding how this website is constructed, please reach out to me or, alternatively, you can access a wealth of information on the TNG Site [HERE].


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